Planning & Preparations


Double, full rainbow. Too long, don't want to read: I'm leaving Oregon and heading east. I've been thinking a lot about what ReWilding Me means to me (this is a group on Facebook that I started a while ago) and some of it is letting go of the societal expectations. Especially the ones that don't… Continue reading Decisions…

Thoughts & Musings

Reaching into Darkness

As the season continues shifting into the darker part of the year, I find myself thinking more and more about where I'm heading. I announced on Wednesday that I was closing the dyeing portion of my shop and that is still weighing heavy on my heart. Even though I know that it's the best choice… Continue reading Reaching into Darkness

Thoughts & Musings

Ancestors and more

A few months ago, Brianna chose to participate in the DNA testing. I thought it would be interesting to find out "what she's made of" since there isn't really a way for us to know for certain who her father was. (For those who don't know, I was in a relationship, but was also… Continue reading Ancestors and more

Miscellaneous, Thoughts & Musings


As most of you know, I've planted my Nest in Sandusky again. As some of you know, it was to help my son cope with some of the issues that surround his combat PTSD. In some ways he is a lot better (he doesn't sleep with loaded weapons anymore, but that's because we took them… Continue reading Changes

Planning & Preparations

Not yet settled

I have arrived in Ohio! The drive on Monday was a little unnerving since there were a few strong gusts and lots of blowing snow, but it's over now. Serephina and Khaleesi handled the trip well enough, but Ofelia... well, she didn't do so well. She ended up wetting my bed at one point and… Continue reading Not yet settled

Planning & Preparations, Thoughts & Musings

Spring at last…

Each morning I look out my bedroom window at the flowers and am amazed at the new ones that have come out, seemingly overnight. I'd forgotten how lovely western North Carolina can be when spring finally appears. Pinks, purples, yellows, whites, and even a few reds - all bursting open as if to remind us… Continue reading Spring at last…

Planning & Preparations

Where did the time go?

As I struggle to keep my eyes open tonight I remind myself that I've made a lot of progress. I have all the surfaces painted, the roof is sealed and the a/c shroud is back in place, the generator is gone, and someone is coming to get the propane tank this weekend. Packing up my… Continue reading Where did the time go?

Planning & Preparations

I’ve rounded the corner

I'm so excited! I will be painting with Kilz tomorrow morning, then the colors on Thursday. If all goes well, I should be done with the walls no later than Friday, then I can start on the floor. I am running a little late on that, but I discovered that porch paint will work well… Continue reading I’ve rounded the corner

Thoughts & Musings

Sadness and Sunshine

I'm going to say the first part swiftly and without elaboration. I think it will make it easier. Aurora died at the beginning of April. Her health had declined rapidly and, even though I knew it was coming, it hit me really, really hard. There. I did it. Yes, it's been over a month, but… Continue reading Sadness and Sunshine