Thoughts & Musings, Woman Rising

Healing, forward…

It's been a year since I started a self-therapy journey after a bad experience with a therapist, the lack of another in town to take their place, and the struggle to find a therapist in my insurance list within 75 miles of my house. I knew, however, that I needed something to help me get… Continue reading Healing, forward…

Thoughts & Musings

Reaching into Darkness

As the season continues shifting into the darker part of the year, I find myself thinking more and more about where I'm heading. I announced on Wednesday that I was closing the dyeing portion of my shop and that is still weighing heavy on my heart. Even though I know that it's the best choice… Continue reading Reaching into Darkness

Thoughts & Musings, Woman Rising

One more step forward…

Eclipse, August 2017ce It's been a long while, hasn't it? I've missed writing to you, even though I don't know most of you. Hello to KT, who I see reads my posts every once in a while, I'm holding you & your mom in my heart. Hello to E, who I miss, though we only… Continue reading One more step forward…

Planning & Preparations

Not yet settled

I have arrived in Ohio! The drive on Monday was a little unnerving since there were a few strong gusts and lots of blowing snow, but it's over now. Serephina and Khaleesi handled the trip well enough, but Ofelia... well, she didn't do so well. She ended up wetting my bed at one point and… Continue reading Not yet settled

Planning & Preparations, Thoughts & Musings

Spring at last…

Each morning I look out my bedroom window at the flowers and am amazed at the new ones that have come out, seemingly overnight. I'd forgotten how lovely western North Carolina can be when spring finally appears. Pinks, purples, yellows, whites, and even a few reds - all bursting open as if to remind us… Continue reading Spring at last…

Learning the Steps, Thoughts & Musings


I made it through the brutal cold! Sure, single digits aren't normally considered brutal to most people, but when you're huddled in a 28' x 8' space, it certainly is. Even so, with the extra blankets on the windows & door and cab area, with the propane heater running a couple times throughout the night,… Continue reading Flexibility

Learning the Steps, Planning & Preparations, Thoughts & Musings

The little things…

A couple years ago, I was mentioning how I knew that this wouldn't be all sunshine & sparkles. I was trying to be realistic about how not-easy it would be to live in a tiny space and deal with traveling every couple weeks. I knew that it wouldn't be a piece of cake, especially since… Continue reading The little things…

Learning the Steps

Learning and more learning

What an interesting rollercoaster of a week! I left Angela's driveway a little over a week ago and felt no qualms sitting in the Walmart parking lot that night. The next day I headed to Cuyahoga Falls to visit with a friend and start this traveling thing. Oh, that first night! Folks, I will admit… Continue reading Learning and more learning

Learning the Steps

The traveling begins…

Well, I'm no longer in Sandusky! The first night wasn't so bad, but I was still in town near the kids (and the "safety net"). The second night, I was in another town and is wasn't so great. Nothing happened except for the fear and doubts that tend to plague us when we do something… Continue reading The traveling begins…